
VSMM2018 / DigitalHeritage2018 – San Francisco, USA

VSMM2017 – Dublin, Ireland & Belfast, Northern Ireland (2017)

Lizbeth Goodman, VSMM2017 Conference Chair

VSMM2016 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(22nd Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia)

Honorary Chair
      Prof. Lewis Lancaster, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Conference Chair
      Prof. Harold Thwaites, Head – Centre for Research Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM); Professor of Creative Digital Media; & Dean, Faculty of Arts, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

VSMM2015 / DigitalHeritage2015 – Granada, Spain
(21st Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia)

Honorary Chairs
      Pilar Aranda — Chancelor of the University of Granada (Spain)
      Susana Díaz — President of the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain)
      Reynaldo Fernández — Director of the Council of Alhambra and Generalife
      Federico Mayor — Chairman of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace and Former Director-General of UNESCO (Spain)
      Ernesto Páramo — Director of the Sciences Park of Granada (Spain)

Congress Co-chairs
      Livio de Luca — French National Center for Scientific Research (France)
      Lisa Fischer — Jamestown Rediscovery (USA)
      Victor López-Menchero — Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology (SEAV)
      Juan Carlos Torres — University of Granada (Spain)

Int’l Program Committee Chairs
      Gabriele Guidi — Polytechnic of Milan (Italy)
      Roberto Scopigno — Italian National Research Council (Italy)

VSMM2014 – Hong Kong, China
20th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Image & Archive

Honorary Chairs
      Prof. Lewis Lancaster, University of California, Berkeley, USA
      Prof. Ari Ide-Ektessabi, Kyoto University, Japan

Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Jeffrey Shaw, Dean, School of Creative Media; Director, Centre for Applied Computing and Interactive Media; and Director, Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualisation and Embodiment, City University of Hong Kong
      Prof. Harold Thwaites, Director, Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation; and Consultant Professor, University of Malaya
      Prof. Sarah Kenderdine, National Institute for Experimental Arts (NIEA), College of Fine Art, University of New South Wales; and Special Projects, Museum Victoria

Technical Program Co-Chairs
      Prof. Harold Thwaites, Director, Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation; and Consultant Professor, University of Malaya
      Prof. Hyun Seung Yang, Dept. of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Workshop Program Chair
      Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harald Kraemer, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

DigitalHeritage2013 / VSMM2013 – Marseille, France
19th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia at the Digital Heritage 2013 International Congress

Livio de Luca, Alonzo C. Addison, and Sofia Pescarin, Conference Co-Chairs

available online on IEEExplore:  Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013 (Volume: 1 and 2 )

VSMM2012 – Milan, Italy (2-5 Sep 2012)

18th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Virtual Systems in the Information Society

Gabrielle Guidi and Alonzo C. Addison, Conference Co-Chairs; Michitaka Hirose, Technical Program Chair

vsmm2012 Proceedings available on IEEExplore:

VSMM2011 – Alexandria, Egypt

(cancelled due to 2011 Egyptian revolution)

VSMM2010 – Seoul, South Korea (20-23 Oct 2010)

16th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia: Transdisciplinary Creativity – Transmedia in VR, Computing, Contents, and Heritage in 21C

Hyun Seung Yang, Alonzo C. Addison, and Michitaka Hirose, General Co-Chairs


Proceedings available on IEEExplore:

VSMM2009 – Vienna, Austria (9-12 September 2009)

15th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia: Vision or Reality?  Computer Technology and Science in Art, Cultural Heritage, Entertainment and Education

Robert Sablatnig and Martin Kampel, Conference Co-Chairs

Proceedings of the 15th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems & Multimedia. Robert Sablatnig, ed. IEEE Computer Society Press, paperback (ISBN-10: 0769537901, ISBN-13: 978-0769537900) buy at Amazon

VSMM2008 – Limassol, Cyprus (20-25 Oct 2008)

14th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia: Digital Heritage 2.0

Marinos Ioannides, Conference Chair
Andreas Georgopoulos, Loukas Kalisperis, Alonzo Addison, ISC Co-Chairs

VSMM2007 – Brisbane, Australia

Proc. of the 13th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. Theodor G. Wyeld, Sarah Kenderdine, and Michael Docherty, eds.  Springer, 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI (Book 4820) Paperback, 218pgs (ISBN-10: 3540785655, ISBN-13: 978-3540785651

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM 2007, held in Brisbane, Australia, in September 2007. The 18 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 97 initial submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers put a special focus on virtual heritage and virtual cultures, virtual environments and virtual experiences, as well as on applied technologies and systems.  buy at Amazon

VSMM2006 – Xi’an, China (17-19 Oct, 2006)

12th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems: New Developments and Solutions for Cultural Heritage, Healthcare, Gaming, Robotics and the Arts

Nanning Zheng, Conference Chair
Hongbin Zha, Program Co-Chair
Zhigeng Pan, Organizing Co-Chair

Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems: 12th International Conference, VSMM 2006, Xi’an, China, October 18-20, 2006, Proceedings

Front Cover
Hongbin Zha, Zhigeng Pan, Hal Thwaites, Alonzo C. Addison, and Maurizio Forte, editors
Springer, 12 Oct 2006 547 pages

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interactive Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems, VSMM 2006, held in Xi’an, China in October 2006. The 59 revised full papers presented together with one keynote paper were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 180 submissions.

buy at Amazon

VSMM2005 – Ghent, Belgium (3-7 Oct 2005)

11th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Virtual Reality at Work in the 21st Century

Daniel Pletinckx (Ename Center), Conference Chair
Bob Stone (Univ. of Birmingham), Program Chair

This year marks the return of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia to Europe. VSMM2005 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimedia research by focusing on the impact on society. Virtual Reality is no longer considered novelty or a wonder \’97 but a living reality in the lives of millions of people all over the world. It is therefore time to take a closer look at how Virtual Reality interacts with society, how it affects its users, and how it promotes or directs social change. The theme of the VSMM2005 Conference is Virtual Reality\’92s present or potential impact on 21st century society in the fields of Heritage, Education, Applied VR Technology, and Entertainment and the Arts. It will also feature a special session in which the theme of professional guidelines and health, safety, and usability issues will be addressed. Conference Location VSMM2005 will be held for the first time in Belgium, in the historic town of Ghent. Hosted by the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation, VSMM2005 will take place in the Flanders Expo conference building , October 3-7, 2005.

VSMM2004 – Ogaki City, Japan (17-19 Nov 2004)

Proceedings of the 10th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems & Multimedia, Hal Thwaites, ed. IOS Press, 2004, paperback 1301 pgs (ISBN-10: 1586034812, ISBN-13: 978-1586034818)

This publication marks the tenth anniversary of VSMM (Virtual Systems and Multimedia). It contains articles taking many different perspectives on virtual systems and multimedia. The ‘Hybrid Reality’ and ‘Digital Partner’ papers presented in this book make a profound impact upon Art, Science and Culture. The articles presented explore virtual systems and multimedia research in cultural heritage, robotics, entertainment, environmental studies, medical, art forms, enhanced environments and mobility, and human factors. This book contains over 200 papers which were thoroughly reviewed and ranked. Six papers are written by people considered to be highly distinguished researchers, and the sixth special session of highlight areas include on Virtual Heritage, Volume Graphics, Digital Partner, Human Factor, Digital Human, and Mental Partner. buy at Amazon, buy at IOS Press

VSMM2003 – Montreal, Canada

9th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Creative Digital Culture

Hal Thwaites, Conference Chair

VSMM2002 – Gyeongju, South Korea

Hyun Seung Yang, Chair

VSMM2001 – Berkeley, California, USA (25-27 Oct 2001)

7th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia: Augmented and Unplugged

Alonzo C. Addison, Conference Chair

Proceedings of the 7th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia. Hal Thwaites and Lon Addison, eds. IEEE Press, 2001. (ISBN-10: 0769514022, ISBN-13: 978-0769514024) buy at Amazon


VSMM2000 – Gifu, Japan (4-6 Oct 2000)

6th Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia: International Collaboration through Virtual Heritage, Technical Applications, and Highspeed Connectivity

Scott Fisher, Conference Program Chair
Alonzo Addison, Virtual Heritage Chair
Robert Stone, Technical Chair
Marc Cavazza, Intelligent Virtual Environments Chair
Shigeki Sugiyama, Japanese VR Commercialization Chair

Proc. of the 6th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Hal Thwaites and Scot Thrane Refsland, eds., IOS Press, 743 pgs softcover (ISBN 978-1-58603-108-4)

This book is the result of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia-VSMM 2000. It includes papers on exciting perspectives on virtual reality for the new millennium, from technical to cultural heritage applications. There is a special section on Virtual Heritage that will explore the VR tools and applications used in Cultural, Natural and World Heritage. This has become the industry benchmark for all developments and innovations pertaining to Virtual Heritage. buy at IOS Press

VSMM1999 – Dundee, Scotland (1-3 Sep 1999)

5th International Conference on Virtual Systems & MultiMedia

John Sutherland, Conference Chair

Proceedings of the 5th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Systems & Multimedia, Terkheurst, James and John Sutherland, eds., 564 pages, paperback, September 1999, University of Abertay Press, Dundee, Scotland (ISBN-10: 1899796037, ISBN-13: 978-1899796038) buy at amazon

VSMM1998 – Gifu, Japan (18-20 Nov 1998)

Future Fusion: Application Realities for the Virtual Age

Takeo Kanade (Carnegie Mellon University), Chair 

organized by Prof. Takeo Ojika and Dr. Scot Thrane Refsland,  International Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia ; sponsored by Gifu Research and Development Foundation;; in cooperation with the Virtual Reality Society of Japan.

Proceedings, edited by Hal Thwaites, IOS Press, 716 pgs, (ISBN-10: 9051994702, ISBN-13: 978-9051994704)

In the spirit of exploring the fusion between engineering, art and commerce in virtual reality and multimedia technologies, this book investigates the integration of technical excellence, creative innovation and industry and commercial development through real applications. It has four main sections: technical, creative, industrial/commercial and virtual world heritage. The technical section of this book focuses on the research and development of virtual reality and multimedia technologies. Topics include human interface and sensing, immersive virtual environments, industrial applications, rapid prototyping, 3D measurement, virtual factories, medical and biological modelling and theory, and entertainment and games. The creative section explores VR and multimedia from an artistic viewpoint, offering contributions on innovative uses of technology. Main topics include exploration of creativity, artistic theory, methods and innovative applications through film, theme parks, games and other areas which use VR and multimedia technologies. Within the industry and commerce section, this book presents the development of critical issues relating to the industry and commercial side of virtual reality and multimedia. This section explores medical, moral, legal and political issues. Topics included in the virtual world heritage part are architectural and artifact construction, education, historical information presentation, restoration and tourism. buy at IOS Press, buy at Amazon  buy at Amazon

VSMM1997 – Geneva, Switzerland (10-12 Sep 1997)

3rd Annual Conference of the Society of Virtual Systems and Multimedia in conjunction with TELECOM Interactive 1997

Nadia Magnenat Thalmann (Univ. of Geneva), General Chair, Program Co-Chair

Organized by University of Geneva ; sponsored by International Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, and the University of Geneva; in cooperation with Computer Graphics Society, International Federation for Information Processing, WG 5.10; hosted by International Telecommunication Union.

Proc. of the 1997 Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM97, edited by , IEEE Computer Society buy at IEEE CS

VSMM1996 – Gifu, Japan

organized by Prof. Takeo Ojika

VSMM1995 -Gifu, Japan (18-20 Sep 1995)

International Conference on Virtual Systems ’95 (ICVS ’95)

Setsuo Ohsuga (Tokyo University), General Committee Chair

organized by Prof. Takeo Ojika

Proc. of the Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, VSMM ’95, Nagaragawa Convention Center, Gifu, Japan